May is already jam-packed full of projects and commitments.
5/6 Day off! Volunteering at nephew's school. I should also try to finish painting the barn/shed as the weather will only be getting hotter. Sassy has a vet appointment for another Valley Fever test. $$$
5/8 Mother's Day, spending it with my mom.
5/11 My birthday. I don't have anything planned because it's a Wednesday. Maybe pizza.
5/14 Pick up my order of chicken from Zaycon Fresh. Yes, I ordered 40 pounds of chicken thighs. I will have to split it up and figure out where to put it all.
5/16 My nephew's end of year choir performance.
5/18 Take Mom to airport to go to my niece's graduation from Vet school. Yay!
5/20 Take nephew to choir end-of year lock in. That should be fun although he should be studying for finals.
5/21 Have dinner with my sister who is stopping by while traveling to Texas.
5/24 Don't forget to pick up Mom from the airport.
5/26 Last day of nephew's junior year. Everyone goes back to the house in town! I will be back to keep things maintained, tree watered, and the cat food filled.
5/31 Nephew is getting his wisdom teeth removed. I have planned to take the day off.
Then June begins. Eek. I hope it isn't as busy but we are going to my niece's wedding in Washington so that is expense plus travel stress but it is only 3 days so I think I will survive.
Wow, your birthday is next Wednesday, May 11th? We probably knew this before but I know all of us who follow your daily adventures wish we could celebrate it with you, pizza and all. Wish you eat some good New York pizza instead. :)
My sister-in-law's birthday is also May 11th but I won't be spending itt with her, either LOL!
What a busy May!
Happy Birthday from another May baby.
Jo Ann
Eek. I feel exhausted already!
Happy Birthday :)
I'll also be back on 6/10, will you be there? It's a Friday.
I've never had New York pizza. I've had European pizza. Not something I would want again.
June is already filling up and July too. Will it ever slow down? Happy May birthday to you too!
Did we just have a weekend? I didn't notice. Maybe next weekend won't be so tiring.
So far I will.
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