First, I call my current insurer, American Modern. I asked to reduce the insured amount to $10K. The premium only went down to $350. Then I asked to reduce it to $5K. The agent said that $350 was the lowest the premium would go regardless of coverage. I said thank you and moved on. Next, I searched for RV insurance recommendations. I love how easy it is to find recommendations and advice online now. What did we do before the internet? Oh, ya. We talked to people. Well, I have never been comfortable talking to people which is probably how I ended up with my expensive insurance. In retrospect, I could have asked the people at the RV park where I was staying when I first bought my RV. I'm sure I would have received plenty of advice. On the other hand, I do vaguely remember asking people. I believe the problem was that I was living in the RV full time. There weren't many insurance providers back in 2000 for that type of situation.
Anyway, I am not living in the RV full time anymore so I was able to get quotes from Progressive and Geico. Initially, I liked Progressive's online quote system because I didn't have to talk to anyone on the phone. I thought I should get a second quote though and, because my RV is over 20 years old, I had to call Geico. It was a long and tedious phone call but in the end, I decided to go with Geico. It isn't actually Geico, it is Foremost but I bought the policy through Geico. Progressive was $12 a year cheaper but I felt that Geico gave me a more accurate quote because I couldn't answer all of Progressive's questions within the drop-down box choices. If I had called Progressive, I probably would have received a quote very similar to Geico.
My new policy costs $180 a year which is less than half of my previous policy. Hopefully, I will make a decision and do something about selling it this year so I can get rid of that cost altogether.
Daizy, you officially have too much stuff! I suppose it is too big to get it moved back toyour own yard to sell?
It is a possibility. I have an RV gate and I was able to get it open all the way yesterday. It would be a tight fit.
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