Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Big Move

Tomorrow I begin my move. I am taking a half day off to get a jump on the weekend. The tree trimmer guy is able to come out tomorrow so if I am really organised I could possibly move in by Sunday. I'm nervous though. I don't really want my first night at the house to be a work night. And I don't want to leave the dogs alone all day on their first day there. Maybe I will wait until next weekend. It is a little weird to be still taking 5 minute showers when I have a house with 2 real bathrooms and plenty of hot water but then again, my house doesn't have a fridge or a bed yet and those are kind of important.

Even though my chore list is very long this weekend, I am still bringing dogs to the adoption event on Saturday. I just got a call for one of my dogs and I am hoping that they come out on Saturday and adopt him. I would really like to have at least 2 less dogs before I move but 1 less dog is a good start.


Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

Suddenly it seems so quick after such a long wait. Go at your own pace now. No-one is moving into your old place to rush you out of it. Well done for persevering

A Frugal Mom's Financial Expressions said...

Congratulations! Nice you have a hopefully snake free place for the dogs now.

Daizy said...

No progress today except for the tree trimmers. And no dogs adopted either. I am bummed.

Daizy said...

I hope it is snake free. I'll have to double check the gates and make sure it is dig-proof too. I don't want anyone running the streets.