I brought my friend's foster dog home tonight because she is going out of town for the week after Christmas and I might dog-sit for her so I wanted to make sure my dogs get along. They all do except one. I hope it is better tomorrow but tonight the new dog is sleeping in a crate so that my brat dog will not harass him. That's too bad because she watched my dogs for me for Thanksgiving week so I wanted to be able to pay her back. If he can't stay here he will have to stay in boarding where he will be in a crate most of the day.
Tomorrow I am going to a baby shower for the same friend and I can bring her dog back to her. I think I have only been to one baby shower in my life and that was for my first niece. That's funny because I know a lot of people who have had babies but I never seem to be around for the shower. That's ok though. I'm not really a party/shower kind of person. I need to dig out some appropriate wrapping paper for the gifts. I bet I have some somewhere. If not, Christmas wrapping paper will probably be ok.
I am with you there, Chrstimas wrapping paper is always in use with me, year round.
I found some with polar bear babies on it in my closet so it looked great. I was the only one with Christmas wrapping though.
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