My foster dog is ok so far. They say the first night is the worst. His poor muzzle and neck are very swollen but he is still breathing, eating and drinking without problems. I wonder how long it will take for the swelling to go down. He is quite uncomfortable and finds sleeping very difficult. I am giving him benedryl and antibiotics. The vet said that was all I could do.
The snake was gone this morning. I checked the yard and then let the dogs out. I don't really know what to do about the snake. It is very difficult to block off the whole yard when snakes can fit through tiny openings. Someday I will have a block wall when I have $10,000 (or more) to spend. Right now it just doesn't seem like I will ever save that much.
Snake poison? Snake traps? Riki Tiki Tavi? There should be some kind of threat mitigation while you are at work.
So glad he is ok! That is scary!
Yes, T!!! I need Riki Tiki Tavi! Are those legal here? I hear llamas will stomp coyotes. Maybe they will stomp snakes too? What else is a snake predator...I suppose eagles aren't reliable and would probably eat the small dogs while it was waiting for a snake.
Mary, me too! When I tell people that he was bitten they all immediately think he died. I'm so glad that 80% of dogs survive and he is part of the 80%!
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