The yard is my favorite part and also the enclosed porch. This house is very trashed but with the carpet and vinyl removed and a little paint along with appliances, it could be livable.
If this plan works I will be very busy for a long time. If this plan doesn't work I will go back to looking for new listings and saving my money.
This week was so hectic at work. I got most of my work done but still did not finish a spreadsheet that was due today. At least it isn't my boss that wants the spreadsheet so it wasn't that bad that I didn't finish it.
Tomorrow is another adoption event day. One of my dogs got adopted tonight so I only have 3 dogs to bring to the event. I sure hope she doesn't get returned. She was one of my biggest barkers. I was worried about moving to town with her and annoying my neighbors. Hopefully more will get adopted tomorrow!
I have thought a couple looked okay so far but looking at photos and actually be there is huge difference. I am interested to see who this goes. Is there space for a couple of hardworking young professionals as room mates. The kind that give you loads of money but work out of town 90% of the time would be perfect.
Talk to your property management people and get a list of who they use as their go to people for repairs. You can at least get bids from them as a starting point. You are right it is worth going for the most damaged houses they scare most people. Good luck!
Hmm...Lizzie, maybe some flight attendants or archeologists studying overseas?
Good idea Anonymous. The only handyman I know is only here 6 weeks in the Spring. That's a long time to wait.
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