I was too lazy to go get propane so I moved the groceries from my RV freezer into my mobile home freezer and and moved the items in the fridge to the mini-fridge in the RV then turned to RV fridge off. I needed to defrost that freezer anyway. I should have a little bit of propane left to cook with although I haven't been doing much cooking lately other than heating things in the microwave. I can also use the electric stovetop in the mobile home if I want to cook some noodles or chicken. I could put off getting propane all Summer if I wanted to.
I've been following the fire in southern Arizona because I know a few people who live down there. With Facebook pages for fire info, the online newspaper and a live police radio audio feed, it is amazing how much up to the minute information that is available. I sure hope they can protect the homes down there. Unfortunately it probably won't rain for another 2 or 3 weeks and sometimes only the rain can put a fire out. I think they will be able to beat this one though. They did a good job this weekend despite the 100 degree temps and wind.
Water seems to be a scarce commodity, but you have lots of sunshine! You should think about giving solar cooking a whirl. Solar cookers are pretty cheap to build with stuff you probably have around (i.e, cardboard boxes), and it would be easy for someone so handy such as yourself. I am not handy, so I bought mine from the Solar Oven Society. I love them! I have three, and use them whenever I can. Everything comes out great, I don't heat up the house, and not to mention I save a bit on utilities. I have made cakes, meatloaf, roast chicken, beans, stew, chili....well, all kinds of yummy stuff. I have been solar cooking for years, and I still get a kick out of it. Free plans for box cookers (the kind I use) are easy to find on the internet. Ok, I'll shut-up now. I can't help myself, though, because solar cooking is awesome!
Tessie, when I lived in Yuma I tried to make a solar oven out of boxes, foil and an oven bag. It was an excellent dehydrator but not a good oven. I didn't pursue it because I had a place to cook so it wasn't a need. I would like to try again but this time I think I should buy one like you did. I also want a solar hot water heater and a solar distiller for my water tank and a solar water pump. Oh, and solar panels but I don't think I can afford them.
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