Monday, June 20, 2011

4 Days Until the Weekend

I made it through another Monday. The boss was there and was in a good mood so that was good. I didn't bring my little dog to work because I needed to stop by the grocery store on the way home so my office was quiet. I also spent some time today thinking about the future. I re-worked my budget and decided that I could get by on $710 with a few dogs. A "few dogs" means less than I have right now which is 9. I think 4 or 5 dogs would be ok. That would be my 2 plus 2 or 3 fosters. I am trying to resist getting any more until I get down to a lesser number. Still, it is hard to see them get put down at the pound, especially the ones that I would have gotten if I had room.

I was going to write more about my future plans and budget but that will have to wait until later since I forgot to email myself the picture of my spreadsheet. Basically it came down to $710 per month minus $691 from the rent which left me $19 short per month. It wouldn't take long to save up enough to cover $19 a month. Then I made categories for the important stuff like medical, dental, travel, etc... Well, I should write about it tomorrow when I have my visual aid. If I'm not too tired. I was going to go to bed early tonight but it's after 10 already. Good night!


Dave said...

So your rental income nearly covers your monthly expenses? This means you can save nearly 100% of your (after-tax) wage income, right? If I recall what you once wrote about your wage income, you can save at least $2,000 per month now, pretty awesome. Each dog can get its own air-conditioned doghouse for that figure LOL!

Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

dont forget you need to actually build a house (and kennels) at some point. You cant spend it all on dog chews

Daizy said...

Dave, Yes! $2,000 a month for whatever I can dream up...after the emergency fund is nice and fat again. I have thought about an AC for a dog house-shed. I've even seen some dog houses on Craig's list with AC. My mobile home is pretty much a giant dog house so I'll just stick with trying to better insulate it for them.

Daizy said...

Lizzie, I know, it is tempting to just buy fun stuff and not think about the big stuff because that means I would have to work a lot longer. On the other hand, I seem to be a lot more motivated when I have a specific goal in mind like a house and kennels.