It was 111 degrees today and I decided not to take the trash out this evening. It costs me $5 a week for trash service but my can is not full and it is just too hot.
They say there is a good chance of rain for the Fourth of July. I am really looking forward to it. I'm not looking forward to muddy dog prints and wet dog smell but at least I will get some free water and the weather will cool off at least for an hour or so when it rains...then it gets hot and humid but I gotta take the good with the bad.
Are you sure you want to worry about a used moblehome and all the work that in tails in the hottest season of the year?
Why do people live in Arizona?
This is a serious question.
Anonymous, my current mobile home is lacking in insulation in many places plus my "rustic" dog doors aren't helping. But you are right, there are many drawbacks to a mobile home.
Executioner, and cheaper standard of living. Oh, and no snow to shovel.
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