I am sure it is my boxer-pit mix who is un-stringing the chainlink like a shoelace. I am going to try one more time and then I'll have to put them in crates until the weekend. I wonder if she will destroy my crate too.
I really want a good fence now. It is quickly changing from a want to a need. But now I don't think chainlink would keep her in. I wonder if wood is just a waste of time. Block is probably the only thing that is secure enough but I can't afford that yet. This problem needs some more brainstorming. There has to be a way to make a fence that is dog proof without being out of my price range.
Watch for free/cheap old pool fencing on craigslist. With a good coat of paint, it makes a good dog pen.
Silly dogs. I hope you can find a solution soon.
It looks like it should be secure enough but those dogs are pretty tenacious. Hope you win.
Kimberly, I have thought about that but since I get little dogs too I would have to string wire across it so they wouldn't wiggle through. I did look today though. There were 2 very good deals but they were already gone.
Sallie's niece, I thought of a temp. solution, a muzzle! that gives me more time to think.
Lizzie, I know, they are very destructive when they put their mind to it. If only those powers could be used for good...
What about picking up some scrap plywood that you could wire to the chain link all around the bottom?? There is a guy on craigslist in phx that sells used plywood by the pallet for $20???
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