At lunch time I picked up this dog trap. I think I set it up right. I wonder if I will catch anything. I bet I catch one of the free-range neighbor dogs.

I didn't see my lost dog today. I hope she is still around. She is a loose end I can't tie up. I don't like to think about her out there with the coyotes, cars and humans who will chase her away or worse. I hope my trap works.
Daizy, you are getting dangerously close to the $10k mark. Yopu should be ble to get below that mark next month.
I hit the 2-year mark for my early retirement at the end of this week. Wow, what a 2 years it has been!
Coyotes, cars, humans...
On the whole, I'd vote safety over freedom for your doggie. Good luck with the trap!
I was hoping to log on this morning and heear she was home safe and sound. Good luck.
Well done with the mortgage. You can sniff freedom from here!
Sorry you haven't found your dog yet. Congrats on being so close to your goal!
If you get that 3k worth of stock sold and apply it to your mortgage, then you will be down to only 3 months. :)
Dave, it should be easy to get under 10k next month, hopefully even under $9k if all goes as planned.
Congrats on the 2 year mark. Has it gone as planned?
KoBold, your luck worked. :)
Lizzie, I can smell it. Let's hope that is enough to get me through the holidays without overspending!
Sallie's Niece, thanks. I am excited. The end is sooo close.
Petunia, unfortunately, I already included the stock in my 4 month plan. What I need to do is sell some stuff because that is not included in my plan. If I could sell $1,000 worth that would help a lot.
Yes, Daizy, my retirement has gone as planned. It wasn't such a big "shock" to my daily lifestyle because I had been working only 2 days a week for the previous 17 months. And several years earlier, I was mostly telecommuting so I had to make the awful trip to my New Jersey office only one day a week. [That change was a bigger shock to my daily lifestyle because I had been working full-time before that.]
Thanks to the vastly improved bond market in the last 2 years, my monthly dividend income has been somewhat better than expected, which is good because my health insurance premiums have risen more quickly than I expected. Having to keep a closer watch on my estimated taxes due (no withholding any more, YAY!) was something I did not expect, but that is not a big deal.
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