Today was a rootbeer float and pierogi day. I just felt like eating them when I got home. I have no idea how people prepare pierogies. I just like them fried in butter. I'm trying to clean out my freezer and I found these pierogies in the back so I knocked the ice off and cooked them up. I tried to clean out my freezer last month but then chicken breasts were on sale and I bought another bag. I don't have much food in the freezer. A serving of ice cream, some frozen milk, strawberries, cheese, bread and vegetables. If I can make it through the week without going to the store and re-stocking then I should be able to defrost the freezer this weekend.

I'll just put all of the fridge food in my little electric fridge and turn my RV fridge off while I cook up the chicken. Then I'll use my hair dryer to encourage the defrosting and when it is done I'll load the freezer back up with cut-up cooked chicken. It's easier to use it when it is already cooked anyway and very convenient. Then I can go right out and buy more ice cream. Hopefully my fridge will work better after I defrost it. I still think that the AC and fridge don't have enough power to run at the same time. When the RV fridge is on electricity and it is over 90 degrees outside, it doesn't stay under 45 degrees. When I switch it to propane it can do 35 degrees easy. So far this summer I have been switching it to electric at night and propane by day. This makes my propane last much longer which makes me happy because refilling the propane is something I like to do as little as possible.
I usually just boil pierogies. Like shrimp, when they float to the top, they are done cooking and ready for seasoning. Frying them in butter looks pretty good though. Root beer floats are always good.
I had an apartment in college with a freezer that needed to be defrosted. I always had to plan what to eat a few days before and after the defrosting.
I do boil them first and then fry them cause I like them a little crispy. Aren't they supposed to have a sauce or something?
I don't remember what my mom did when we defrosted the fridge growing up. I do remember sitting in front of the fridge for what seemed like an eternity with the hair dryer. Luckily my RV fridge only gets icy in a small area.
If you consider cheese a sauce, then mine have a sauce on them. I have seen them with sour cream, but that wouldn't be my favorite.
Cheese would be good. Would spaghetti sauce be over-kill?
A big bowl of hot water in the bottom of the freezer does a nice job when defrosting.
AC+Fridge being too much: if they consume too much power running together, they should be tripping your fuse.
what's a pierogie? we don't have them in the UK. they look good!
We didn't eat all the food when we defrosted the freezer. We piled it on the counter. If it still has ice crystals it's still able to be refrozen. That's why we used the blow dryer, to hurry things along.
KoBold, I have no idea what the fridge's real problem is. All I know is that it costs $80 for the handyman to show up and $70 an hour. He's been out twice and it still doesn't work right.
Andrew, I believe this variation of pierogi is the Polish dumpling kind filled with potato, onion and cheese.
Big Sis, I do remember throwing out many leftover fuzzy green portions of refried beans.
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