Every year I attempt to grow something here in the desert and most times I fail. The only time I was moderately successful was when I landscaped the back of my house and added a drip system. Out here in the 'wilderness' where my RV is parked, there are numerous problems including water, birds, squirrels, dogs, pack rats...and on and on. For 3 years in a row I have tried to grow tomatoes. Last year I got a few and they were really good except for the thick skin. This year my tomato plant hasn't produced any fruit at all. I looked it up on the internet and read that some tomato plants won't set fruit if the temperature is over 90 degrees. I must have bought one of those types then because it has tons of blossoms and no tomatoes. That's what I get for buying from Target's 99 cent plant sale. My Mom said she had the same problem last year. They tried blossom set and everything to no avail.
My zucchini have produced small 4 inch fruits but then they shrivel. Now something is eating them. I think it's a bird. When I go on vacation this year I think I won't bother asking anyone to water for me. If they don't make it there's really no loss. Just one less watering chore. The only plant that I still have any hope for is the little strawberry plant that is under there somewhere.
When these plants have finished pretending that they are vegetable plants, I think I will buy a dwarf orange tree to go in my big pot. I got a Home Depot gift card for my birthday. Oranges trees need to be covered for the few winter days that dip below freezing but other than that I think they will be ok. Maybe in a year or 2 I can get some oranges. Gardening isn't supposed to be this depressing, it's supposed to be relaxing and rewarding! Oh well, I won't give up totally, I'll just change tactics.
Gardening advice from me is like fashion advice. I won't be of any help for the most part. All I can think is maybe try some herbs or other small plants in pots that you can move inside if you have to.
An orange tree sounds promising. They won't grow here, but when I live in Louisiana a lot of people had satsuma trees (sort of like a tangerine). They did well there despite the infrequent sub freezing temperatures.
I'm not an herb person and indoor plants attract those nasty gnats. I used to have a bunch of indoor plants on my table. They leaked and stained the table. I think I should stick with frozen vegetables while I am in the RV. When I have a screened porch (some day) it will have lots of plants.
told you I wouldn't be of any help :)
Not true, all suggestions are thought provoking and welcome even if I discard them for the time-being.
I live about an hour SE of Phoenix, and I can vouch for all you've said about growing vegetables! Try pomegranate trees and fig trees. We bought some, not knowing what to expect, and they grew incredibly and produced unbelievably. All we do is water them.
How about these:
- It's a desert after all, isn't it? Why not settle for desert-proof (or close) plants?
- Choose plants with the purpose of growing food for ferals. This way it is a fulfillment if they eat it, not a frustration.
Eating farm grown tomatoes from the grocery store is not shameful...
As for herbs: lavender looks and smells nice. Thyme too. Rosemary?
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh...me, too. I live in North Phoenix. Every year I get off to a nice hopeful start, with this year being no exception. The mountain preserve in my backyard funnels an amazing number of hungry critters this way. I thought that zucchini would be bomb proof. Ha! What the sun isn't killing, the critters and bugs are eating. I give up.
Anonymous, I bought a pomegranate for my rental house (before it was a rental). It grows great. I just might stop by in October and see how it's doing. It wasn't old enough for me to get any good pomegranates before I moved. I grew up with fig trees and I think I've eaten enough for a lifetime. I would love another pomegranate. I just need to figure out where my permanent home is going to go so that I plant it in a convenient spot.
Hello Kobold, those store tomatoes look good but are tasteless. That is the only reason I try to grow my own. I have plenty of desert plants, nothing I would want to eat though. (hey, I TRIED to eat the cactus!) I have 5 rosemary bushes at my house. It's a bee magnet. I'm not hauling water for herbs or flowers. Maybe a nice rock garden...
Patty, I know, I was afraid to try zucchini because I've heard stories of huge zucchini crops. I guess they weren't talking about Arizona!
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