Tomorrow the electricians come out to tell me if I have enough electricity available for a stove/oven, hot water heater, AC/heater, washer and dryer for my mobile home. If not, I could need a very costly electrical upgrade from the electrical box at the property line. I had an idea today though. If I do need more electricity and the project costs $10k or more, I think I would be better off investing in a solar system. One of the local electric companies offers a plan to buy solar energy from residents who install solar panels. This plan combined with state and federal rebates could make a solar system an affordable alternative. If I only need a little bit more electricity, perhaps I could get a solar hot water heater. Now I just need a solar oven and a solar dryer...oh wait...such things do exist but I don't think I'll be able to convince a renter to use them...but you never know.
Solar dryer = clothes line
Hi Daizy
I have just been reading a blog called early retirement extreme & was going to recommend it to you, until I read the comments and found you were already there.
Another learning to speak American question. Is there such a thing as a sola dryer or did you mean clothes line? Most people line dry here despite the fact that it rains every soggy day sometimes.
Bad frugal joke :) Yes I meant a clothes line. And I tried making a solar oven once out of a aluminum foil lined box and a plastic cooking bag. Didn't quite work out as planned. The cookies came out rather dehydrated. Some day I'll make a real one.
Yes, lizzie I like early retirement extreme too especially with all of his recent RV adventures.
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