Friday, October 10, 2008

Down The Electric Bill Goes

My electric bill for September was.....$49.90! Below $50, that is amazing for Arizona. I tried to keep the air conditioner off as much as possible, although we did have a couple of days in the high 90's. These middle months, in the Fall and Spring are the best time to save on electricity. I am trying not to pull out the heater yet. I did finally bring out my down comforter last week. Then it got hot again but tonight it is supposed to go down to 45 degrees...brrrrr.

Tomorrow the electricians come out to tell me if I have enough electricity available for a stove/oven, hot water heater, AC/heater, washer and dryer for my mobile home. If not, I could need a very costly electrical upgrade from the electrical box at the property line. I had an idea today though. If I do need more electricity and the project costs $10k or more, I think I would be better off investing in a solar system. One of the local electric companies offers a plan to buy solar energy from residents who install solar panels. This plan combined with state and federal rebates could make a solar system an affordable alternative. If I only need a little bit more electricity, perhaps I could get a solar hot water heater. Now I just need a solar oven and a solar dryer...oh wait...such things do exist but I don't think I'll be able to convince a renter to use them...but you never know.


Anonymous said...

Solar dryer = clothes line

Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

Hi Daizy
I have just been reading a blog called early retirement extreme & was going to recommend it to you, until I read the comments and found you were already there.

Another learning to speak American question. Is there such a thing as a sola dryer or did you mean clothes line? Most people line dry here despite the fact that it rains every soggy day sometimes.


Daizy said...

Bad frugal joke :) Yes I meant a clothes line. And I tried making a solar oven once out of a aluminum foil lined box and a plastic cooking bag. Didn't quite work out as planned. The cookies came out rather dehydrated. Some day I'll make a real one.

Daizy said...

Yes, lizzie I like early retirement extreme too especially with all of his recent RV adventures.