Even though I had to buy windshield wipers and light bulbs I still managed to be $196 under budget. That means I can put an extra $100 towards my mortgage. July isn't going to be as good. My truck really needs an oil change so I must do that this weekend. I should take it out of June's budget. Whenever I start a month off spending I usually run out of money at the end. Also I have been trying to think up a fun hobby that doesn't cost a lot of money. I can't seem to think of one. I need to make friends with someone who has a horse. It costs $27 for a trail ride up the road. Today I was thinking about buying a horse and selling it in a year just to have a horse for a while. It's a big responsibility and I think it would take up all of my free time and I'd have to give up my mortgage repayment plan. Oh well, maybe later.

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