I'm also sorting stuff for another community garage sale this weekend. A co-worker brought some items over too so I have lots of stuff to sell. He brought Pyrex bakeware, I have cheap Anchor Hocking. I think I'll swap them and sell mine. He also brought some nice pans. I might swap those out too. No fair keeping stuff if I don't get rid of something else though. I'm not a hoarder...well, ok, a little bit.
Besides that, I've been spending a lot of time chopping up branches to fit in trash bags. I miss the giant dumpsters from my old house. My trash service here only picks up what is in bags. That means thorny bushes have to be chopped up into small sticks. I finished the small Palo Verde tree last weekend and will continue with the thorny lemon tree branches until they are gone. I also tried some ground clear weed killer yesterday. I hate weed killer but the weeds in the river rock were getting out of hand and I had a bottle of this stuff from my last tenant. I had bought it for him to use on thBermuda grass around the mailbox but he never used it. It's one of those bottles that hook to the hose. I think it was working, hard to tell. I suppose I will know when the weeds die or look healthier. Hopefully, I didn't get the stuff too close to my cactus. The homeowner's association is coming around to check on weeds at the end of the month and issue violation notices.
Still green. Guess it didn't work. |
And in other news: My mother is doing ok. Not good, just ok. She is a tiny skeleton of her former self but she still eats enthusiastically. Some days she seems to recognize me and other days not.
The dogs are doing well. The new old guy, Baloo, fits in nicely. The little dogs still bark at him when he comes near but not as much as they did when he first got here. When we go for a walk he only walks two houses away before he wants to go back home. His back legs are weak and sometimes he trips and just lays on the ground for a while. But he enjoys his many dog beds, the plethora of squeaky toys, and treat time. It is cute the way he enthusiastically greets me when I get home along with the other two.
And there are two baby doves growing up on my front patio. Momma dove built her nest on a shelf near the front door. I hope the babies never fall out of the nest because the dogs walk by them unaware everyday. I wonder if Momma bird is regretting her choice of nesting site.
Not a hoarder you say ??? Lots going on as always. Im sending hugs to mum xx
Looks like your green thumb is also a wet thumb, my dear Daizy.
Did you get your taxes done yet?
@Lizzie, I'm going to have to address my hoarding tendencies if I ever want to fit into my tiny house.
@Dave, I did get my taxes done finally. What a relief.
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