Sunday, July 31, 2016

Mortgage Update for July 2016

I'm running out of time to post this before August.  Made another $1,200 payment towards principal which brings the total mortgage on the house to $30,651.  Last month in the 30's!  I have another 1year and 9 months until it's gone.


Lizzie@her MFW Homeworld said...

Yay, go you!

Abigail @ipickuppennies said...

Woot! Congrats!

Kim said...

That's awesome.

Daizy said...

Thanks, never as far as I want to be but I keep moving forward.

Daizy said...

Thanks, it sure is satisfying to see it tick down to zero.

Daizy said...

Thank you! Little steps every month (but maybe not next month because these vet bills are killin me).