Thursday, May 12, 2016

Another Year

I celebrated my 44th birthday on Wednesday.  There wasn't much actual celebrating because Wednesdays don't allow for such frivolity if I want to be able to stay awake at my desk the next day.  My co-workers and I went out for ice cream sundaes at lunch.  I love ice cream but if I don't eat it almost totally melted I get horrible tooth/nerve pain around a half an hour after I eat it, thus I was in pain for an hour or so afterwards.  I did finally take some Tylenol, which helped.  After work I stopped by the house to do the usual watering of the plants/quail, filling of water jugs, and collecting the mail.  I also got the tall ladder that I used to get on the roof because I need it back at the property if I am ever going to finish painting the barn-shed.

Birthdays always make me melancholy since my plans are usually based on my age.  I want to be retired by 43. No I'm already 44.  45 probably not.  47 maybe?  I have two more years to pay my mortgage at an accelerated rate plus $8K to pay back my mother and $8K I hope to contribute to my nephew's college.  Today at work there was more grumbling about our new boss because he was hired to cut costs.  Everything is getting scrutiny which makes people squirm.  I probably shouldn't be writing this from my work computer.  Thoughts go through my head like, what if I was laid off now?  What would I do?  Would I sell the house, rent out the house?  Get another full time job?  I despise looking for jobs so I hope to hang on to this one for another 3 years at least.  Job unrest, political unrest, stock market unrest, plus another year older.  I think I want to take a nap. 


Dave said...

Happy birthday, Daizy! From a fellow Taurus (mine is April 21), that's no bull!

I feel your pain with ice cream. Ice cream, or anything too cold, often sends up a shooting pain to my eyes. The pain doesn't last too long, maybe a minute, but it's a very unpleasant minute. I basically gave up ice cream about a dozen years ago although once in a while I ate some soft ice cream which is not as cold. I have given that up, too, so it is down to using it in milkshakes which is no longer really doable for other (health) reasons now.

Whether you can retire at 45 like I did 7 1/2 years ago or a few years later, I surely wish I could celebrate it with you. You are working so very hard on your properties, trying to fit it into your many daily tasks. You so much deserve to retire at some point soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from Texas, Daizy! Remember, you're not just another year older - you have another year of EXPERIENCE under your belt ;) Now you're all the better equipped to handle the coming year :) That's worth celebrating - here's to a great one for you!


Lizzie@her MFW Homeworld said...

Nothing says Happy Birthday quite like toothache associated with indulgence! Glad you had a good one and dont forget plans are just like a road mao, you can deviate whenever you fancy xx

Daizy said...

Milkshakes work better for me too. In the summer I like sprite and sherbet floats. I hope to use this year to declutter the house so that my move will be easier. I'm still enthusiast about quitting my job so no lack of incentive here. The carrot just keeps moving farther away.

Daizy said...

Thank you! You are so right. Every project that I complete gives me new skills and makes the next project easier. I have invested in better tools tackled lots of new problems. One of theses days I am going to figure out electrical wiring. I'm sure this year will be filled with opportunitys to learn new things.

Daizy said...

My road map is all squiggly, lol. Oh well, I hope I will accomplish my goals eventually.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Daizy

Daizy said...

Thanks! I appreciate it. :)