Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Friday Plans

It sure would be nice to have every Friday off, and still get paid the same, of course.  I have big plans for Friday.  Hook up shower with hot and cold water, put up indoor cat habitat, dig two holes for the barn-shed tie-downs. I'm hoping 2 out of 3 get done.  

I went to visit my cats at lunch today.  They are still staring at me from their hidey-tent.  I took apart this dog kennel after work.  It looked pretty with the morning glory vines growing on it but I need it for a more practical purpose. I am hoping I can re-assemble it in the storage room so that the cats can get out of their small cage but not get into my stuff, plus I want added protection just in case the dogs get in the room.   

We had a big rain storm yesterday and I checked under the linoleum.  It was still a little damp but not like it was before.  I haven't sealed the area around the new window or the dog door so I know some rain can still blow in.  I'm confident that the big leak has been fixed though.  Too bad I don't have my gutters up yet.  I could have collected a lot of water.


Anonymous said...

Remember that the huge El Nino building up in the Pacific means the Southern US (including the Southwest) will probably be receiving significantly above average amounts of precipitation this Winter. Good thing you are getting the sealing done now.

Daizy said...

That makes me want to get my gutters up asap!