Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Change of Topic

The day started out like any other day and then I got a phone call from my mother that my dad fell.  I was almost to the office so I stopped in, checked my emails and then headed to the hospital.  He was groggy and didn't want any of those pesky wires and tubes on him so I spent the morning holding his hands.  The doctor finally showed up with the bad news, broken hip.  I had to get back to work but later my mother said he was still in the ER at 7pm because they didn't have any open rooms and that surgery would be sometime tomorrow.  Now we have to figure out where he can go for post-surgery rehab since his current home is not  set up for that.  I hope he will regain enough strength so that he can return to his previous home.  My niece is flying in to help my mother with figuring all of this out.  That is so nice that she is available and willing to do it.

In other news (which doesn't seem as important right now), I got a response from the permit office.  They said the building plan that I sent was in a protected file format, they need the building's structural calculations (I thought that was just wind ratings and snow load but I guess not) and I need to submit structural calculations for the earth anchors.  I wasn't even planning to use earth anchors but now I know they are required.  I printed and scanned the building plan so that should fix the "protected file" problem.  I asked the WeatherKing company for structural calculations.  If they don't have them I will have to hire an engineer to make them.  And I found an earth anchor company and asked them which ones I need to buy and if I can get the structural calculations.  So, I'm making progress on the permit but I am still in "scavenger hunt" mode while I gather all of this data.  Hopefully, I will find the answers quickly.


Lizzie@her MFW Homeworld said...

Poor dad. such things do put all of our everyday problems into perspective. Hopefully he can go back to his current accomodation in time but yes, extra care for a bit, defintiely

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear of you father's condition. here is to hoping for a speedy recovery and not too severe discomfort for him.

Daizy said...

Yes, Lizzie, I'll be searching for rehabilitation facilities tomorrow instead of working on my property. Some things have to come first.

Daizy said...

Thanks, anonymous. He is doing well so far. Next comes the rehab and we will see if he is able to walk again.