Thursday, January 15, 2015

Electric Questions

It was and dark foggy morning.  Despite leaving early for work, the extra traffic from the eerie fog added another 10 minutes to my trip.  I got through the door with 2 minutes to spare.  Luckily, the big boss who kept track of those sort of things, has retired.  My boss isn't as concerned although if he needs me for some reason then he starts getting antsy...

We have a website that directs calls to my desk and lately I've been getting calls for some electric company in the UK.  It's actually their emergency line so I get frantic people demanding I do something to turn their lights back on immediately.  The second time it happened the fellow was going on and on and I wasn't sure what he was talking about because our company makes electrical contacts so questions about electricity aren't totally abnormal.  I finally said,"What is your question?" and he said,"It's all dark here, what are you going to do to get the lights back on?".  So then I realized that I couldn't help him.  I got another call today and I was really tempted to say, "Sorry, Sir, you've reached the colonies.  I'm afraid you're plum out of luck" but I didn't.

Today was payday but I want to wait until I get my rent money before I pay my Christmas credit card bill.  After that I can shuffle money around and make my extra mortgage payment.  I've been trying not to spend a lot of money this month.  With gas prices at $1.83/gallon, it is certainly helping my budget.  I did a foster-dog switch.  The rottie puppy went to another couple and I picked up a Lhasa Apso and puppies.  She is super sweet and so quiet.  Not at all like the hyper-active rat terrier-min pin that I had last time.

My groomer friend is going to stop by on Friday to give her a haircut.  I'm so glad she makes house calls.  Otherwise we would have to wait at least 4 weeks when the babies start eating solid food.


Lizzie@her MFW Homeworld said...

Most times when we call customer services for a utility company we get a call center in Mumbai. Trust me when I say they tend to be lovely people and no help at all, so we might just as well all call you!

thequiltingdoberman said...

Lower gas prices have been helping me too. What a cute pup and her babies!

Daizy said...

Lizzie, that's terrible to send the emergency calls to India. They started doing that here and everyone rebelled. Some calls still go overseas but at least emergencies stay local.

Daizy said...

quiltingdoberman, she is super sweet but I hear her coughing today which means she got kennel cough from being at the shelter. Hopefully her babies don't get it. They are too little to survive if they get sick.