I used pillowcases to wrap some of my large or awkwardly shaped items. I thought it worked well although my sister gave me a hard time about it and tried to keep the pillowcase.
On Friday, I stayed home and cleaned my house. I always need one day to get everything back in order. On Saturday, I went shopping with my mother and sister. We returned a few things and replaced them with what we really wanted. I pointed out a shoe rack for my sister to buy me. I put it together today and I love having my shoes off the floor. My closet is so much neater now.
We have had nights in the 20's for the last couple of days. I threw sheets over my tomatoes to keep them from freezing but they look terrible anyway. Maybe it's time to give up on them and wait until spring. It is looking more and more like my nephew will be living with me again in July so gardening will be put on hold for the summer as well as dog fostering, or at least minimized. Maybe one dog at a time? My current foster dog needs $900 knee surgery so we set up a fundraiser site through a rescue group. Fundraiser for Sassy.
I am getting ready to kick off Extreme Makeover: Mobile Home Edition. First step, a consultation regarding erosion control and rainwater collection. I'm hoping the Watershed Management company can help me fix my driveway and help me set up my water tanks for maximum efficiency. Once the driveway is fixed, I will be able to drive my low car up to the mobile home without having to use the neighbor's road and I will be able to get dirt delivered to help with my snake-deterrent fence. In order to do all of this, I will need to take my $10,000 out of the mutual fund I had stashed it in. I was hoping that I wouldn't need it for at least 5 years but things change and life happens. This phase of my plan was supposed to happen in 3 years but now it has moved up. I hope I will be able to make all the improvements to my property within my $10k budget while still putting some extra money towards the mortgage. If I am very careful, I think I can.
Its that time of year for future planning but you have so many things to consider. Must be very hard with your nephew and your parents to worry about. Nice to get back out to the land though.
I'm trying to focus on the fun of creating my little desert oasis. The reality of having to live out there and go to work everyday will probably not be as fun as I hope.
Wow, your dad's face and eyeglasses looks a lot like my dad's face. It's uncanny!
And you sure get some wild temperature swings in the desert. Hard to believe it is warmer here in NY at night (35-45 degrees the last few weeks) than it is where you are. We will drop down into the high 20s in a few days, though.
Long lost relatives perhaps? I am sending the cold your way. At least I can save water and time now that my garden is dead. It's too dark to see anything when I get home anyway.
Awesome work.Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading.Thanks for the share
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