Thursday, October 2, 2014


My boss's wife brought about 20 houseplants in to the office for us to plant-sit for the summer.  I wasn't in charge of plant-sitting so I just watched as the plants died, some rapidly and others slowly.  The only plant that liked it in the office was the pothos.  It is impossible to over-water those.  The succulent basket was the first to begin to die.  Finally, I "borrowed" the ill-looking plants and brought them home.  I figured I couldn't do much worse to them.

Two succulents in the basket survived although they looked lanky.  The kalanchoe in the photo were lanky and, after reading up on them, I tried everything I could think of to get them to respond but they slowly withered.

The only plant that appreciated my intervention was the miniature jade plant.  I found out that it grows outside in the shade here so I put it on my patio and it grew more leaves almost instantly.  

I felt bad that so many plants died even though I wasn't in charge of them so when I found out my boss was coming back today I bought a succulent bowl like the one that died.  Unfortunately, it was in a round bowl and the wife's pot was oval so I had to rip all the plants out and re-pot them in the original bowl.  I was going to take a picture but after I loaded the remaining 3 plants in to my truck and driving to work, I realized that I forgot my purse and phone.  I was so worried about getting the plants in the truck without dropping them I totally forgot that my purse wasn't in the truck.  It was a long day without my phone but I really don't need it.  The thing I missed the most was my chapstick.  I should keep a back-up in my desk.  And it is a good thing I got gas yesterday.

I insisted that my boss take the succulent plants home tonight.  I did not want to be responsible for them and I certainly didn't want them spending the weekend in the dark office.  I think that is part of the reason that they all died, well, that and over-watering.  I will gladly go back to a house free of houseplants.  I like to keep my plants outdoors.  One more day until the weekend!  After the very busy weekend I had last week, I am ready to sleep in and relax.

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