Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mortgage Update for October 2014

After skipping last month's extra mortgage payment because of my un-planned trip to Minnesota, I am back on schedule, sort of.  The trip cost $1,000 which left $500 of my scheduled payment remaining.  Then I went and bought the car for $2,800.  I decided to pay for the car with $500 from September, $400 from October and November, and $1,500 will come from my truck when I sell it.  So, I paid $1,100 extra to my mortgage this month which brings my mortgage total to $52,220.  If I keep up these extra payments I will have it paid off in 3 years or sooner.  Of course, if I keep taking trips and buying cars it will take a little longer.  I am very glad that I had the money available so that I could go visit my nephew when his grandma died.  Some things are worth more than paying off my mortgage and that was one of them.


Lizzie@her MFW Homeworld said...

it was a sensible purchase, you have it covered and you are pretty much on track. i would say good resilut

Daizy said...

Yes, if I can stay on track and not spoil these puppies and kitties so much. I think I NEED a giant cat tower, don't I?

Dave said...

Always good to have a planned surplus, so if something happens the worst thing which happens it you don't have a surplus, far worse than being forced into costly debt.

Daizy said...

Exactly, Dave. I feel very lucky to have $1500 for emergencies every month and if I don't have any emergencies then I love being able to pay down my mortgage. It makes me feel rich!

Unknown said...

Well, I think you can live through these. You could plan for trips beforehand, and save some for unscheduled ones. As for your car, you won't be buying a new one soon, so you got that out of the way this early. This means you'll still have some money to pay for the mortgage no matter what happens. Good luck!

Lydia Piscioneri @ Credit Group