I've had this sinus headache-earache since Thursday. The weather keeps changing as each new storm rolls in and out again. I had a doctor tell me once that sinus headaches aren't affected by weather but experience tells me otherwise. It was too still too hot to do much outside anyway so I had another relaxing weekend of laundry, pulling weeds, cleaning floors, napping with the dogs, and watching my latest Netflix show, Longmire. Kinda makes me want to move to Wyoming but I looked up home prices and they are the same as Tucson so I will stay here and avoid the snow.
Tomorrow is Sept. 15th already but I can't think about making an extra payment on my mortgage yet because I am expecting to go to an out of state funeral soon and that will cost around $1,000 for airfare, hotel, rental car, food, and pet sitting. I am glad that I have the money available when I need it though. My mortgage payment plan will just get pushed back a month.
In gardening news, my tomatoes haven't been producing because of the heat so I decided to cut them back. I found 2 green cherry tomatoes under the vines but unfortunately, I cut the vines so I will wait to see if I get more tomatoes when it gets cooler. The yellow squash gave me 3 female blossoms today, but no male blossoms and blossoms only last one day. My birdhouse gourds were looking good until I saw some chew marks on the gourds themselves.
Looks like cabbage loopers. I had no idea anything would actually chew on green gourds. I picked them off. I have one new gourd and I should probably put it in an old nylon stocking so that it doesn't get chewed.
My pole beans are as tall as the house with lots of blossoms and no beans but I saw a tiny 1/2 inch bean today so there is hope. People tell me that winter gardening is easier in Tucson. I hope they are right because right now I feel like I am just wasting water.
Doctors told me that you don't get headaches from eating certain foods. They dont believe anything which isn't cured by a tablet but we know!
I blame Hurricane Odile for my headache. At least I will get some rain too. My sisters have migraines triggered by food. So far, I just have the weather headaches. If I had to give up chocolate I don't know what I would do.
Longmire is actually filmed in New Mexico.
How funny! I guess I only have to move one state over then. I was wondering why it hardly ever snowed. I mean, I know it snows in New Mexico but it seemed like the weather was always pretty nice.
How funny! I guess I only have to move one state over then. I was wondering why it hardly ever snowed. I mean, I know it snows in New Mexico but it seemed like the weather was always pretty nice.
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