Aww...what a lovely weekend. Too bad it was so short. Do I say that every weekend? On Saturday, I got up early and got ready for the adoption event. It was really close to my house for once. Usually they are at least a 20 minute drive. The puppy got adopted (did anyone really doubt it?) and the terrier had a couple who will come to the shelter on Wednesday after her teeth cleaning appointment and adopt her. I also have 2 more people as back-ups for the terrier if the first people don't show. She was really popular. The newspaper intern even took her picture and wrote down her story. Maybe she will be featured.
When I got home I took down the puppy corner and cleaned everything, bedding, floor, put everything back in order. Today was more laundry and organizing. I told gave myself the goal of cleaning off 3 places where I often put things on a temporary basis and then never move them again: the end of the counter, the table by the pantry, and, the worst place, the dining room table. I had boxes and plastic packaging from my mother's phone that I bought 7 months ago and from my own phone bought 5 months ago as well as numerous, pens, markers, knick knacks, gum and mints. My recycle bin is over-flowing.
I waited all week for the rain that was promised but none fell on my side of town. I think the rain is promised for Tuesday or maybe Friday. Hopefully, some time this week. This week has 2 after work errands so far. Grocery shopping and dropping the terrier at the shelter on Tuesday. Other than that it should be a pretty quiet week. Just the way I like them.
Ha ha if you liked quiet weekends you wouldn't keep fostering puppies!! :-p
Puppies aren't too bad when there is more than one and their mother is here to clean up after them. One single puppy is too much work.
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