This video is of my rottweiler and my other foster dog playing with my little terrier jumping in there as a referee once in a while. My yard is pretty much dirt and sawdust right now.
I still have my rottweiler. I drove all the way out there after work but their mastiff was lunging at her so they were not comfortable adopting her at that time. They still want her though but they want to consult a dog trainer first. I said I would wait and see how it turns out. I suggested buying a giant muzzle for their dog just in case because we want them to meet off leash. Leashes can make dogs very reactive and a dog can tell when a person is nervous and holding them least as much as one can hold back a 160 pound mastiff which is why the owner was nervous.
I thought I had someone interested in my terrier too but they didn't call back. Too bad. 2 less dogs would have been so much easier since I am going up to Washington state to help my parents pack up. My dog sitter will watch 4 dogs or 6 dogs for the same price so it is not urgent that I get my fosters adopted. I'm not going to be able to go to adoption events for a while since I will be busy getting things arranged for my parents here. They need a car and a place to rent and I want to make sure they have all the comforts of home while they are staying with me. Plus I have plenty to do around the house. There are weeds in the front yard that are 3 feet tall. The neighbors are probably wondering if I am ever going to clean up my yard. Oh yes, it is on the list...the very long to-do list.
Hmm I couldn't get the video to work
I love Rottweilers, they are always so cool, I guess because they can kick any dogs ass.
You have an impressive 'to do' list!
Is that a little Yorkshire terrier? Haha as a Yorkshire lass originally I can confirm they are exactly like yorkshire folk short, to the point with a strong moral back bone. Never mess with a yorkshire terrier...beware mr rottweiller x Jules Uk
Bridgette, is your computer blocking youtube?
She is a very nice rottie too and I like that she looks intimidating in my yard. Maybe I should keep her as my home security system.
Ha Jules, he might have some Yorkie in him. I was thinking Cairn Terrier but who knows. I think it is funny the way he tries to keep all the other dogs in line.
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