Sunday, March 25, 2012

One Problem After Another

We went to look at one car today, a 2001 Subaru Outback. It was too low to the ground and my mother couldn't see out well so we didn't get it. I liked it but it was overpriced. They wanted $5,500 but it should have been more like $4,500. The rental car was returned today so now we all have to ride around 3 across in my truck. My mom bought some potting soil, seeds and a tomato plant so that she has something to do while she is stuck at home all day without a car.

So, the car problem was not resolved and then after dinner my dad noticed that dirty water was in the bathtub. The drains are all clogged. We can't use any drains at all. I brushed my teeth outside tonight. I thought my camping days were over but I guess not. Hopefully I can find a good plumber to come out tomorrow. And I had just agreed to get the furnace replaced because I had enough money saved up. Hopefully I won't have to decide between drains and heat. Drains are more important at this point. Gee, back in the mobile home I would have just cut a hole in the wall and run a pipe out...not for the toilet of course, but for the shower and sink. This city living is much more complicated.


Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

I am thinking there might not be much entertainment value in a tomato plant. Maybe you will have to camp out at the old place?

Anonymous said...

Have you considered your county's auction for a car? Most counties auction confiscated cars, as well as their decommissioned police cruisers -- the cruisers in particular are usually good deals because, despite having high milage, they have been maintained and the fleet is replaced regularly.

Good luck!

John @ Married (with Debt) said...

I just spent a few hours unclogging our kitchen sink drain so I know how you feel. Good luck!

Daizy said...

Oh, I can just see it now, me, the dogs, my parents all in the RV. Luckily I didn't have to see it in real life because the plumber came through and fixed it.

Daizy said...

Lee, I did think about it but my mom wants a car right away so no time to wait for the auction.

Daizy said...

John, it's one of those things that we take for granted until it doesn't work. Boy, it really makes things more complicated when the water doesn't magically go away.