Unfortunately, I think the phone wiring in this house has a problem. None of the phone jacks worked and I had to plug in directly to the outside phone connection and fish the cable through the bathroom window.

I found one other big problem so far. The faucet handles for the washing machine leak badly. I mean they spray water all over the place. Of course, I didn't let that stop me from doing laundry. I've been washing loads since I brought the washer and dryer on Sunday. I even did one this morning before work! I was able to push the washer over so that I could fit a trash can under the leak to catch the water. Then I would turn the water off between fill cycles. It still sprayed a lot of water so today I bought some packing tape after work (while I was also buying extra long phone cord for the modem) and taped a plastic bag around the faucet and cut a small hole in the bottom to direct the water. It worked well.
I do plan to get those faucets replaced but I will have to turn the water off at the main line and I think I will wait until next month when I have money for the other plumbing repairs that I need to get done. I bought a toilet to replace the cracked one in the second bathroom and I need it installed. I also want a back-flow prevention device installed and a pressure reduction valve because those two things were recommended by my home inspector.
Anyway, I am glad to be back. I have a bunch of other moving stories to tell but it is late and I am tired and all the dogs are asleep so I think I will go to bed for the third time in my new house.
Wow, living in an actual house. Are you feeling the call of the wild yet?? Glad it doesn't seem to have stressed you out too much.
You'll have to change the header of the blog (again). :-)
If you feel the call of the wild, you can always go to the property in the desert for a week-end.
Just curious... what will you be doing with the land and RV/mobile home you have out in the desert now?
Hooray you're back...we missed you here in blog land ! How exciting ....a new start. Live laugh and love your new home and all your new adventures in it.Wish you all the luck in the world !best wishes, Jules UK
Good to see you back. Always the resourceful one..... :)
You are very resourceful. I would never think to hook up the internet outside and to redirect my leak.
Missed you, handywoman par excellence.
Lizzie, I am liking being civilized. The dogs are trying hard to make this house their own though but I am fighting back. No peeing in the house! No dragging in mud and sticks! No jumping on the furniture! I must maintain order!
Thanks Boldi, I always forget that. I don't think I will feel like returning at least until my parents arrive...then maybe I will want to escape.
Frugal Miser, well, there are many plans. Right now the plan is to clean out both places and sell the RV and get rid of the mobile home. Then save enough money to build a small house out there. That plan will probably change a dozen or so times.
Thanks Jules! I certainly am loving this house. I must be patient though. I want to do so much to it but the money comes so slowly. It is certainly livable just the way it is and I am enjoying the hot water, indoor laundry, paved roads, tile floors, block walled yard...I could go on and on.
Hi Dave! I thought I wouldn't have to be so resourceful here but it looks like the things I learned living out in the rural desert are getting put to good use. Nothing is going to stand in the way of automatic laundry and my internet!
Anonymous, I had a lot of practice hooking my telephone line directly outside when I was living in the mobile home. Those little pack rats chewed up all the inside phone lines. Who knew it would come in handy again at this house though.
Missed everyone too Philo. I kept thinking, oh, I should write that on my blog, and then I would remember that I was disconnected! I did get a lot done though. No distractions!
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