After a relaxing morning I went out to the pound to collect some more foster dogs. 4 hours later I returned with 3 dogs. I was planning to get two but a friend really wanted to get a skinny one out and she promised that she would take the dog just as soon as she gets one of hers adopted. We will see how well that works. The dog doesn't seem to be any trouble yet but when they are fed and feeling better they can turn in to a whole different dog.
I am sad that my time off of work is over. I am really not looking forward to getting up at 6:30 every day and not being able to go back to bed or take a nap. The dogs actually let me sleep in until almost 8 today. That was great. At least there are only 4 days until the weekend!
Been a while since I have been able to read your blog ..yay you paid off the old house and are looking to buy another house how exciteing for you ...LaDawn
Thanks LaDawn. I sure hope it's a good year for me and for you too!
I totally understand not wanting to go back to the saltmines!
After reading your goals for 2012 #4..does your boss expect you to do
extra work for no extra money?
Can you learn this software at home?
Can you do the extra scanning at home?
Good luck with all your 2012 goals!
barb, good ideas but I try not to do anything at home because our company doesn't pay for it and will just start to expect it. Plus I don't have a computer that will run the software anymore, just this little netbook. I am a salaried worker so yes, anything they dream up is part of my job. I did see a new coworker learning the software so I might be off the hook on that one.
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