Is this week over yet? I am so tired. The dogs have been making a lot of noise and I haven't been sleeping well. I got up early this morning and fed them and then went to the RV to sleep but one dog kept barking outside at the neighbors as they left for work. He finally stopped around ten minutes to 7 and then my alarm went off at 7. I can't wait until Saturday when I can sleep as long as I like...assuming the dogs aren't barking.
I have one puppy who is sick and I have been bringing her to work with me. I took her to the vet but she hasn't improved much. If she isn't much better tomorrow I will have to go back to the vet after work which makes for a very long day since the vet is across town and 35 minutes away from home. I hope she gets better soon. She is so skinny and sad.
Hope the puppy gets beter and you get more sleep.
At least it is almost weekend.
Yay! I love the weekends!
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