I always win the youngest patient award when I go to my dermatologist. Lucky for me they didn't find any new skin cancer spots so I don't have to go to the surgeon where I also win the youngest patient award. I tried getting a discount for it once but they wouldn't do it. I am very happy that I don't have to have any $1,000 surgeries this year. I don't have that much money in my emergency fund yet because of the crown for my broken tooth. Now I can continue to save. I like when money goes out at a much slower than the money coming in.
Well, I'd better try and get to bed earlier today. A friend is dropping her dogs off for a few hours in the morning. Seems her landlord is coming by and she has a few too many dogs in the house. I hope she doesn't get kicked out. I suppose she could pull up a trailer here. haha.
My daughter is only 17 and already had to have a mole removed and has one being watched so don't feel alone. She even has a freak allergy to almost all sunscreens with the exception of vanicream.
With your mortgage gone and your rental now producing income, albeit a little tardy, your emergency fund should be able to grow pretty quickly now. Expenses down, income up, the recipe for success, right Daizy? :)
Sorry to hear that Christine. Moles are sneaky at all ages.
Well Dave, that is the idea except for my lack of a sturdy dwelling. That does make things harder.
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