I paid off $668 of my Home Depot bill since that was the amount that was ending the 6 month grace period first. It doesn't end until August but I wanted it to be gone. The rest of it, $1,300, has a grace period until September. I hope to have it paid off next month.
My rent money should have been deposited today. I signed up for direct deposit but I have a feeling that the management company hasn't done the paperwork yet. Last month's check was a paper check. If I don't see anything in my account tomorrow I will ask them what is going on. I bet they will send another paper check. If they do I should get it by Friday.
A coworker was going to Costco today so I asked her to get me some canned dog food because last month I went with her and they had some for a good price. She brought it back but instead of $16 it was $25!!! I said, wow, the price went up. And she said that she noticed the prices going up on many items there. The store just opened so maybe they were introductory prices? Anyway, that was a horrible price and I wouldn't have bought it if I had seen it but she bought it for me so I had to pay. At that price it is around 9 cents an ounce while at the pet store I can get it for 4 cents an ounce on sale. Oh well, I won't do that again. I'm glad that I didn't buy a Costco membership. I really didn't see many great deals there.
I hope it wasn't too tough to figure out the overlapping grace periods for your Home Depot bill. I once had that with a special offer from a local electronics store back in the 1990s. I had to stare at the bill leading up to the expiration of the first grace period to figure out how much to pay each month to avoid interest charges until the balances went to zero. I did figure it out.
I will be soon trying out an automatic payment via online banking to my co-op's managing agent which is like your management company. I hope my next payment goes through okay and doesn't get snagged like yours might.
RE: a Costco membership. My Fella and I bought one a couple months ago. So far I'm not impressed and we won't be renewing next year. Big waste of money in my opinion.... and man I HATE wasting money!
Dave, Home Depot was very nice about detailing which amounts were due and when. I was going to just pay $500 and then I saw that the first amount of $600 and something was due in August so I paid a little extra. This whole no interest for 6 months thing is new to me.
kelsi, I almost got caught up in the hype and excitement when the new Costco opened. I was disappointed with the selection when I went to visit there with my friend. Now I am disappointed with the prices too. Still, I hear that a few things are good particularly meat and fish.
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