Monday, May 9, 2011

One Day Closer

Yay, made it through Monday! There I go wishing my life away again. Work was ok today but I really didn't get much done. Well, I have to go back there 4 more times this week so hopefully I will accomplish something by the time the week is over.

My 10 month old puppy woke me up at 5 AM this morning. I had given her a squeaking raccoon toy last night and when she woke up she gleefully galloped around the living room, throwing it in the air and pouncing on it. I'm so glad she liked it but I want my extra hour of sleep back.

I checked my bank account today and if I emptied both savings and checking I could pay off the mortgage. That is so cool! Payday is Wednesday though so I won't have to do any emptying. Plus rent money will hopefully appear on Thursday to give me plenty of reserves. It is getting closer everyday!


Dave said...

Hang in there, Daizy. If you pay off half of it before the end of this month and the other half next month, not depleting your reserves too much while having your new income stream (rent) coming in, you will still be able to celebrate just fine (with or without us at the not-bonfire mortgage party) while not taking any unneccesary risks.

Anonymous said...

interestingly, i want to have as big a mortgage/loans as possible to take advantage of the inevitable inflation tsunami headed our way.

The Executioner said...

Inflation or not, there is nothing wrong with having no debt. Once you own your own home, that asset will be immune to inflation.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Daizy, I managed to get sick this week so have skipped 2 days of work! But have managed to use my spare time to hone my frugal planning skills. We apid off our mortgage a while back and it felt just great...then we fitted solar panels so we dont have to pay for electricity...and so last year we both went down to working 4 days a week. Frugal ideas really work. Make small changes and they quickly add up!! For loads of other frugal ideas hop over to

Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

Brilliant, i love the being able to pay the mortgage but got to be honest, the squeaker raccoon appeals to me too!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I don't know how I found your blog, but I've been admiring your progress for at least a year -- I'm so happy for you!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Daizy!!! You are Sooo close now!

Daizy said...

Thanks for all the asvice and encouragement. These last days sure are going very me at least.

Anonymous said...

executioner, i think you understand what i am saying: debt is sometimes bad in a noninflationary environment but buying stable assets with fixed rate debt is the most reliable way to wealth/financial security in strongly inflationary environments, the kind which are all but certain with the way the usd is going.

KoBold said...
