Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Birthday Today

I have one more year to be financially independent by the time I am forty. Not that it is a goal set in stone or anything, it's just a convenient marker of time. My goal was actually to be financially secure enough to change careers, not to retire. So my next step should be to figure out what job I want to do next.

It was a beautiful day outside today but I was stuck in my office again. Next year I should take a vacation day for my birthday. It will be on a Friday so that will make a nice 3 day weekend. I'm already looking forward to it (assuming I am still working there). I bought donuts this morning. There was only one other person there who eats donuts so there were a few left over. For lunch we walked to Carl's Jr. and they bought me a chicken sandwich. I can't really say anything else happened today. Having a birthday in the middle of the work week isn't too exciting.

The best part of the day was being able to check my bank account because it is payday and I am another $1100 richer. That was a very nice present indeed.


Dave said...

Happy Birthday, Daizy! It is also my sister-in-law's birthday which I barely remembered (I sent her a card only yesterday).

Always nice to get paid on your birthday, too.

Anything new on the rental or is it just as you left off the other day?

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Daisy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone here say, "WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!"


MW said...

Happy Birthday Daizy!

I like your idea of taking a vacation day next year... :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday from one May birthday girl to another! (Mine is Sunday.)
Jo Ann in VA

kelsi said...

Feliz Cumpleanos Tucson Daizy!
And Shelbert and Norman say "arf, arf, ARF ARF ARF" which I can only assume means happy birthday in dog.

Anonymous said...

Daizy, I wish you a happy birthday and hope that this coming year is a winner.

Lizzie @ her homeworld said...

Happy Birthday. Glad you had a nice day even if it wasnt exciting.

I am similar. i like the idea to retire. Its not that I want to do nothing but I like to know I have that as an option


Petunia 100 said...

Happy birthday, Daisy!

444 said...

Happy birthday! I was just telling my husband last night how cool your lifestyle of hunkering down in the trailer, maybe a fancified shed - or whatever - is, while you build up (soon) 100% equity in your house. Owning an asset outright like that is something many cannot ever achieve. It's a genius plan and I highly admire it. Were my circumstances different, I would so totally do the same thing. You're an inspiration!

Dave said...

With the blogger down, there were several happy birthday wishes which got erased. Did you see them before they got erased? I also sent you a separate email wishing you a happy birthday. Did you see it?

Daizy said...

Thanks for all the birthday wishes visible and invisible! I did see them in my email.

Sallie's Niece said...

Happy Birthday!!!

laura said...

Happy (belated) birthday Daizy!