Inspiration hit me between wake and sleep. That's when I get my best ideas. I have been trying to figure out how to get my 125 gallon water tank out of the
chainlink enclosure and in to the back of my pickup so that I can go to my rental house and get some water. Well, it dawned on me that I just bought two 50 gallon barrels and I can easily lift them in to my truck. So today I loaded them up and filled them up at my house. One of them had Dr. Pepper syrup in it, the other one had hand soap. This is a problem because the dogs drink this water. I don't think they would mind a slight Dr. Pepper taste but I wouldn't want them to get sick from soap. I was trying to think of what I could do with soapy water when I thought, of course, laundry water! Tomorrow I will transfer the little bit of rainwater that I got last week in to the main tank and them put the water from the hand soap container in to the tank that I use most often for laundry. I can also use that water in the RV since the cat doesn't drink the water that comes from the holding tank. The barrels are still in the back of my truck and tomorrow I will have to figure out how to get the water in to my other tanks. So far I think siphoning is going to be the best way even though it is slow. I am hoping that I can do this a few more times before my house is rented and get enough water to last me until the Summer rains or until I decide to buy a $2,000 water spigot from the water company. I could have been doing this all month and had full tanks by now. Oh well, at least I have a plan and 100 gallons of water in the back of my truck.
Brilliant idea. Maybe get the new tenants to agree to a visit from you and your tanks periodically?
Great idea! Like Lizzie's idea - maybe the new tenants will work with you on the water.....
I think it might be easier to ask my neighbor if I could maybe get 100 gallons every so often. I don't want to interfere with my tenants since I am paying the property managers so that I don't ever have to meet them.
And how do you measure out four gallons, if you only have one five and one three gallon vessel?
Kobold, fill them both half way?
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