I headed in to town to do my errands and of course, get hit with a sinus headache. I tried to get as much done as I could but by the time I got home my head was throbbing. I took some medicine and took a nap but it didn't help much. I am finally beginning to feel normal again after being home for 4 hours. So much for my Saturday.
Tomorrow is another adoption event across town. Hopefully my headache won't come back. I hate spending my only 2 days off miserable and in pain.
Completely understand what that is like. My migraines are lot more few and far between since I discovered that I am sensitive to flour improvers. Still most likely to get a headache on Saturday though, which is apparently a sign of being stressed at work. Another good reason to get the days of working to pay the mortgage behind you.
Owwww I am soo sorry!!! =(
I think being outside after being stuck in the office all week is too much of a shock to my system. I'm allergic to the sun!
flower girl, thanks. At least it is gone now...but so is my weekend.
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