I got a call from someone interested in my Houdini dog and for once they live close to me so I brought him to their house after work. They had small kids and the dog was very patient with them. He let them pick him up and carry him and get close to his face. The husband wasn't home yet so if they liked him I will bring him back later. I sure hope he gets a home before Christmas.
Tomorrow is another dog day. I have to get up early and get my two terrier puppies to the vet for their spay/neuter appointment, then pick them up after work. It's going to be a long day so I'm going to bed now. Oops, just got another call for my little dog. It's going to be difficult to meet up with that person before Christmas though. Well, hopefully the family that saw him tonight will take him.
Which one is the doggie in the picture, he's cute!
Hi shiella, that is actually one of the terrier pups going to the vet tomorrow. I think she is 6 months old and a border terrier/dachshund mix.
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