I looked at the forecast for next week and finally....89 degrees for Saturday. The next day the forecast changed to 92. That's still cooler than 100. Since it will be cooler next weekend, I put off doing my laundry. I don't have a lot of laundry anyway and it will be much easier to haul buckets of water in cooler weather. Soon it will be cool enough to tackle my 2 rooms full of stuff. Maybe I can actually find something to sell. That would be good because I am trying to take 2 trips, one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas. I don't know if it will work out. I'm already a 1/2 day short on vacation days for the Thanksgiving week. I only have 2 1/2 days left. Maybe they will let me borrow a 1/2 day from next year.
I usually go visit my sister and my parents in Washington State for Christmas. This year, my sister will be in Washington DC so now I want to visit my parents for Thanksgiving and my sister for Christmas. I looked up the cost of airfare and for now it is reasonable. $380 to Washington and $450 to DC. Of course, there is the tiny problem of not having that money right now. If I am really good with my budget and those yet unpaid medical bills get resolved, I should be able to cover it. Of course there are the added expenses, parking fees, shuttle fees, dog kennel fees, and whatever spending money I need when I am there. It is going to add up fast.
Our HR department sent out another notice today. It seems the change in health insurance starting October 1st was a little too fast for some people. I don't have any doctors appointments planned after October 1st but if I did and suddenly my doctor was out of network, I would be mad too. Now they are going to put off the change until January 1st. We are also going to have a meeting in November about the government mandated changes. I'm pretty sure that is going to mean a price increase.
Work went by fast today because I had a dog with me and also because there was a problem with a project that I was involved in and everyone was trying to figure out what happened and what to do. It makes it really hard to get my normal work done when I am interrupted every few minutes to look up part numbers or old emails. I have to admit that there were certain moments when I didn't want to work there anymore. Most of the day went well. I like it when I actually finish something that has been on my desk for a while.
You must be living in Arizona when you use "92" and "cooler" in the same paragraph.
Haha Executioner, I know its crazy. I am watching the degrees carefully so I can turn off my AC. It's been on continuously since June. I can't wait for those cheaper elelctric bills.
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