A few dogs attempt to break the bank. Nicky, my foster husky, is one of those dogs. He was at the pound waiting to be put down. It was his last day and none of the rescues had a foster home and money for his unknown vet bills. He had kennel cough, like most do, but he also had a mystery growth on his cheek. Everyone was afraid it was cancer. I was naive enough to ask the rescue that I usually work with if we could save him. They agreed and I got him out just in time. I took him directly to the vet and she said it was probably not cancer but she will remove it and test it when he gets neutered next week. So far the vet estimate is around $350 and this is the cheap vet who gives big discounts to the rescues.
I feel a bit responsible for the bill because it was my idea to save him so I will be donating. If anyone else feels inclined we would be very grateful. Of course, my readers are all ultra-frugal but who knows, I have a spot in my budget for donations, maybe you do too.
I donated five dollars :). I've fostered dogs in the past but now do litters of kittens because of time commitments. I've been reading your blog for over a year now :).
Oh wow! Thanks so much Anonymous! I want to do kittens too but I have to get rid of some junk and clear out a room first. It is great to hear that you foster too! And thanks for reading my blog.
I am not ultra-frugal.
I just think not all dogs need to be saved. I know, it sounds heartless for many, but I think natural selection should be allowed just a tiny little bit of say in our totally controlled world of pets.
(We are living in such times when dog trainers have to teach alsatians how to bite. Something is wrong.)
This is not to say I am against dog rescue. I think it is a noble cause, and there are plenty of dogs deserving being saved.
Still: fair's fair.
I donated also. I do put money aside to donated each year for unexpected opportunities like your dog rescue.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Daisy
I sent you a donation on behalf of my dogs Boober and Nelson. I think what you are doing is amazing and we are more than happy to help you out with the vet bill for the husky dog.
Hi Daisy
We just wanted to say thanks for helping out all those doggies in need. We hope our donation helps.
Ok Kobold, you can be the exception to my ultra-frugal comment.
Believe me, there is plenty of natural selection going on. Parvo and Distemper kill a lot of puppies because people fail to vaccinate, along with deaths by birds of prey, coyotes and cars. Plus the shelters kill dozens of dogs a week because of over-crowding...I'm not sure that counts as "natural". It is unfortunate that so many people in my town do not spay/neuter, some try to make money off breeding puppies, and so many people dump their dogs in the desert or off at the shelter when they become inconvenient. Don't even get me started on the conditions in the government run shelter. People don't want to go there because it is smelly and depressing and adopting a dog is a game of chance. Who knows what its temperment will be and if it will eat their cat.
What do they do with unwanted dogs in your city? By the way, I had to look up "Alsatians". We call them German Shepherds
Dottie, how kind of you! I like to keep a seperate amount for unexpected donations too. I tried my budget without it at first and I was sad that I didn't leave room for such things.
Thank you Sue! And thank you Boober and Nelson! You are great looking dogs. It is so nice of you to help out a canine in need.
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