Yes, I know. I had three dogs for 24 hours. Now I have 4 again. The rescue groups put out a plea for this guy. They were killing dogs at the pound again and this dog was next. They called me and I said I would look at the dog and another little dog. I actually wanted another small dog since my small dog was just adopted. But I saw this guy and he was very sweet and I just couldn't leave him to die. The little dogs have a much better chance of being adopted. While I was there I helped another lady find and adopt another dog on the rescue list because the staff was too busy. I wouldn't mind volunteering there. It is a sad place but unless someone helps out then the dogs won't have a chance. There was one volunteer there for the whole place. He was very helpful but obviously overworked. When I had finished all of the paperwork and my new dog was finally brought out one of the inmates from the women's prison who work there came over and said how happy she was the he was getting out instead of dying today. She said he was her favorite and showed me how he could shake hands.
When I got home my dogs greeted him in their usual fashion. Toto barked, Jimmie spun in circles and my foster girl has a crush on him. He just stood there, taking it all in and wagging his tail. He is going to get a shave and a bath on Wednesday and he will be a very handsome dog.
Wow! Taking in foster dogs is so admirable. I am sure my lab would love a buddy, rather than my daughter who likes to chase her around.
It is a lot of fun and I've learned so much. I never had dogs growing up so this has all been brand new. I love it when they play with eachother. So cute.
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