There were two things that I found on the internet this week that I thought were particularly funny. The first was a
cat cafe in Japan. For $9 an apartment dweller who can't have cats at home, can come to the Cat Cafe and hang out, play with and pet the cats. I think that is the funniest thing. I wish I could think of something like that here. Of course, no one is going to pay $9 to pet a cat around here. The Humane Society just had a $1 cat sale. Cats are pretty easy to get. I guess the closest thing we have to the Cat Cafe would be a petting zoo. I once thought of having a miniature petting zoo with miniature and dwarf animals. Mini horse, mini cow, dwarf goat etc...I wasn't sure who would pay for that though.
I was also thinking of buying a couple of pieces of sod for my dog run. When it rains it gets very muddy. A few pieces of sod would give the dogs a walk way through the puddles. I saw this ad on craig's list today.

I got excited when they said they were giving away their patch of grass. Then I saw that is was just a waiting list for their patch of grass in case the first guy didn't show up. How funny is that? How often do you see a waiting list for a patch of grass? I did not sign up. I didn't want to get my hopes up.
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