After that I picked up one of my old foster dogs who was returned because the people decided they weren't dog people. She is a mellow black lab/chow mix but she steals my dog's treats. She doesn't play much either so I hope she finds a new home soon. Of course, my little foster dog is trying to be dominant and barking his little head off again.
Since it was rainy and cold I decided to start my taxes. I have used H&R Block for the last 2 years so I tried it again. It turns out that they have made all but the very simplest return require an upgrade. The upgrade that I would need for dividends and rental income costs $50. I went through the program just to see how much I would owe and it said $604. That would totally deplete my mobile home renovation fund.
I was talking to my Mom and she said that my sister used TaxAct. I looked at that site 2 years ago and wasn't impressed but they have made some real improvements. Plus, they will still let me use the free version even with dividends and rental income. I put in all of my information again and it said I owe $590. That's better. But then I remembered that I forgot to calculate depreciation for my rental house. I just guessed at the amount because I don't have last years tax records handy yet but I believe that I am not going to owe any taxes after all. That's what I like to hear.
I still need to go through it again and check my numbers but I feel much better. It doesn't look like I'll have to add any months on to my mortgage plan in order to pay my taxes. I also added up my stock and found that it only adds up to $3,645 right now. I was hoping for $4k at least. I'm not going to sell it yet so it still has time to grow. Maybe it will double in the next 6 months. One can always hope.
Did you have GM stock? Is there a capital loss deduction because of their bankruptcy or are they still trying to settle with their stock holders?
Oh yes, I was thinking about that on the way to the adoption event...and then I totally forgot again. I think the stockholders are out in the cold. Maybe I'll get a refund.
Go with TaxAct... we've used it for three years now with no problems. It's free, even for our complex return - I'm self-employed and we deduct for a HSA, ect. It walked me through each step of the tax forms, just like H&R Block does. I used H&R Block until they started charging to file a Schedule C, and haven't really noticed a difference between the two software programs. :-) Good luck!
I love what you are doing with the dog fostering but I dont think i could take then moving on to other people. Just too stressful worrying if they are looked after properly. And then getting them back and knowing they didnt find a proper new home. All very stressful.
Sorry, I am no help with the taxes. I have done all my families but the online filing system means no need for other software, although i keep the records in excel rather than on paper. Good luck.
I do my own taxes but never traded individual stocks. I have been completing Schedule D (cap gains) every year since 1990, though.
With no W-2 in 2009, thanks to my retirement, my taxes are much easier than they have been in many years. Not working in another state saves me the non-resident form, too, a big PITA.
Anonymous, I will certainly go with them. I can't believe how much the others charge just for an extra form or 2.
Lizzie, it helps that I have 3 dogs and not enough time to spend with them. When I find a home that could give them more attention it is easier to let them go. I do feel a bit guilty about my own dog though. It was raining again today which meant no walk for him. Poor guy.
Dave, the W-2 was the easiest part but I'd gladly trade Schedule D and quit my job instead. The rental house is annoying. I need to keep better records.
If you go through IRS.gov, you can click on a bunch of different companies that allow you to freefile. This year even my complicated return was FREE to compute and file because I didn't exceed the income limits. The downside is that even though I bought through the same company last year, since this one was "free", they refused to import last year's tax info. UGH!
Big Sis, that is bad. Tax Act asked if I had last year's return in pdf format. Unfortunately I couldn't find where I saved it. I found 2006 and 2007. I did find my old paper copy thank goodness. I was beginning to panic a little.
I went through the IRS site in 2006 and that's how I decided on H&R (rip off) Block. No more though!
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