I went to my weekend job today. It was very strange to be back at a place that I haven't seen for at least 5 years. I went out to lunch and caught up with an ex-coworker who is trying very hard to retire but life keeps getting in the way. He appreciates my frugal nature and we are both wanting to build a house with little or no loans so we had a lot to talk about. His biggest worry is what to do about medical coverage between now and when he can qualify for Medicare. He's had some major health issues so buying insurance on his own would be very expensive. I hope he can retire at the end of the month like he wants to. I don't think many people really want to work until they die, unless they love their job.
Today I should have made enough money to pay for my Thanksgiving plane ticket and for the $59 that I owe myself for last month. I think I even made enough to stock up on doggie treats. I can't officially spend it yet since it will take 2 or 3 weeks to get a check but it is a nice feeling to know that my budget is not in the red anymore.
I admire your discipline. Having a goal, knowing you need some extra money and taking extra work for awhile to pay yourself back. I hope those doggies realize what you do to make sure they have enough toys and treats!
And yet they still just want to get out and run away. There is no pleasing them!
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