I did manage to try on half a dozen pair of hand-me-down jeans and found one that is my new favorite pair. And she gave me a fuzzy hoody jacket which will be my every day office "sweater" from now on. You know, the one you wear at the office when the AC is too high or the heat is too low? It is nice to have some new-to-me clothes for my wardrobe.
And for those of you wondering how my other sister is doing, she is home from the hospital and on bed rest and antibiotics. I am sure her kids are thrilled she is back home. Hopefully they will all be well soon. I'm going to visit them for Thanksgiving but I don't think I'll be able to get the swine flu vaccine before I go. They cancelled the clinic this week for our county because they ran out. At least I can still get the regular flu vaccine...as soon as I get some free time.
So glad to hear about your sisters progress. That sort of thing really outs other problems into perspective.
Good news on your sister. Awesome.
Any chance of finishing up at the other job thie weekend?
Good to hear she is better!
I feel for you right now. If I knew you (in "real" life) I would come over and make you dinner. :-)
Is there any end in sight to all this working? You need a day off. Dress the dogs up for Halloween or something!
Lizzie, it does. Health problems have a way of making us appreciate the simpler things like family.
Over the Cubicle, the weekend job should be over this weekend. I can't take any more!
KoBold, yes it is. Now they want to make sure it doesn't turn in to pneumonia.
Sallie's Niece, you are sweet. My next day off is November 7th. 10 days to go!
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