Monday, September 21, 2009

Planning A Trip

Made it through Monday. Someday I won't have such loathful thoughts for Mondays. Someday I will have to remind myself what day of the week it is because I won't be chained to a desk 5 days a week crossing the days off a calendar and wishing Fridays would get here faster. Someday I'll be able to plan my day for maximum productivity instead of maximum wages. I hope that someday is soon.

I've been checking the price of airline tickets for Thanksgiving. I've already waited too long and watched them go up $40. I will make my reservations tomorrow and hope they don't go up overnight. I do have a $200 voucher from my previous Thanksgiving trip so that is good. It is still going to cost me another $170 at least, plus parking and now dog watching? I have a feeling I won't be able to get the rest of my dogs adopted by the holidays. Maybe I can get a teenager to feed them for me. They don't need much care, just food and water. A walk would be nice but I wouldn't want to risk them getting loose or getting in a fight with a neighbor dog while I was away. Dog watching is an expense I never thought of before but it gives me more incentive to sell my stuff to pay for it. Motivation is a good thing!


Over the Cubicle Wall said...

Nice score on the voucher. It's a shame that airline ticket prices are so erratic.

Drop the pups off here, and I will watch them over Thanksgiving.

Daizy said...

Even the cranky pit mix? Do you have a separate room? She might eat your cat and maybe your dog too. The neighbor dog came over again and I had left the sliding door open 2 inches for ventilation since the dogs already knocked the screen off. My 2 dogs started barking and almost got the door open before I grabbed them. I'm afraid to walk her with that other dog roaming free. My dog will probably attack.

KoBold said...

Daizy, don't turn down such a nice proposal. Accept it and mourn with OtCW over the damages AFTER Thanksgiving...
(Exorcise me, I am evil.)

Over the Cubicle Wall said...

My dog and cat can handle themselves. They will whip your pups into shape.

Kobold - don't encourage her!

Daizy said...

Ok, can I just stick postage on their noses? What's your address?

Over the Cubicle Wall said...

I think you just need to show them a map and then I wait for them to show up :)

Daizy said...

I think you have watched Homeward Bound too many times.