It rained a little today so I got more water in my tanks, finally. The summer rains have been unusually light. Oh, and I covered the panels with plastic bags that are covering the window above the AC's. Don't want them to get soggy in the rain.
If I just list one item on freecycle and one item on craig's list or ebay every weekend I will eventually get rid of all of my junk. One at a time is not overwhelming right? I still have to get over that feeling of 'what if I NEED it?'. It is hard to get past that but once I do, I want it gone right away!

No tarantulas were physically harmed during this photo shoot. I do not know if he was psychologically harmed. :)
After you finish cleaning out the RV, are you planning to fix it up?
Cute picture of the pups and their 'friend'.
The mobile home? I go in circles with that idea. Yesterday I was thinking about looking at used small manufactured homes to replace it. But I did that already and the $20k cost would require me to work an extra year. plus the used ones still need work. This morning I thought about it again and decided to keep what I have and fix it. I like being able to do stuff with my mobile home (like cutting a dog door) without thinking that I am messing it up because it is already in rough shape. I will change my mind many times.
Yep, I meant the mobile home. If you can clear it out and still live in the RV while you are fixing it up, it will be so much easter and faster. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Gee, but living without a bathtub would be so motivating! :P
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