Yesterday was the second Tuesday of the month so they paid their rent plus $50. I took it to the bank, then transferred $1,536 to the mortgage. I paid a little extra this month to try to make up for the rough start earlier this year.
I owe $43,906.
-If I don't pay any more extra it will take 7 years and 4 months to pay off the mortgage.
-If I sell my RV and use every single extra penny I can find then it will take 1 year. I won't do that though, it's too hard to live without any spending money at all and although the roof no longer leaks in the mobile home, it still needs some work (meaning $$$) to make it comfortable.
-If I keep following the plan that I have been on it will take 1 year and 5 months but...this plan is getting hard to follow. I have some (hopefully small)medical bills coming up in August, plus a trip in July and another trip in November and who knows about Christmas yet. But I'll try to stay on track as much as I can. I hope I can make it to the one year mark before I have to add a month. Then it won't seem so bad.
A month in the overall picture would be worth a few trips to me.
Also, it sounds like these tenants are really good. That must be a huge relief after the last ones.
A HUGE relief. Did I mention I LOVE my tenant? I mean, I just might adopt them. The thought crossed my mind to save their $50 late fees and give them a big Christmas present! I might just skip an extra mortgage payment and buy them presents for no reason at all! Or maybe I'll wait til the mortgage is gone before I start buying presents. :P
That would be pretty cool.
Actually, I think I will give them a free month of rent when the mortgage is paid off. Then they can buy their own presents.
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