One day without bread was long enough. I went grocery shopping. I had a list and I stuck to it quite well. The only problem was...I stocked up.
I started off in the fruits and vegetables. This grocery store always has a french bread rack in the fruit section. It looked good so I got one. Then I grabbed some carrots, 5 apples, 5 oranges and a watermelon, all on sale. Next the bread aisle. This is where I started to wander from the list. The bagels were on sale. Bagels freeze well so I got 2, then I grabbed a cinnamon raisin just because. Ok, next a loaf of sandwich bread because I can eat the french bread while it is still fresh and freeze the sandwich bread for later. Next some applesauce, alfredo sauce on sale-got 2, chicken on sale, ice cream because I am out, then over to the milk. I really wanted chocolate milk. It was $3.50 for half a gallon. Regular milk was $1.29 a gallon. I put the chocolate milk back and got a gallon of milk because I already have chocolate syrup at home. What was I thinking? I still have milk in the freezer from the last gallon I couldn't drink! Then, in the dairy section I saw...the day-old bread. I had to look. There is was-Hawaiian Bread for $1.79. I fought off 2 other ladies and scurried away with my prize.
When I got to the check out the cashier said, that's a lot of bread. I think it was the same cashier that commented on the large amount of dog food I bought a week ago. I really should have put the sandwich bread back but it was all the way on the other side of the store and I didn't want to ditch it at the check out. Now I am home and I am trying to figure out how to get all of this bread in to my tiny RV fridge. The bagels are in but the french bread and Hawaiian bread are not going to fit without some creative slicing. I think I should take one of the bagel packages to work with me. I can put them in the fridge and other people can have them too. There is really only one other person at work who would eat them. Then I will have more room in my freezer and I won't have to carry a bagel to work every morning. One of the good things about my job is that they don't care if I toast a bagel in the toaster oven and eat it at my desk. At my last job I had a mini-fridge AND microwave in my office. Now that was really cool.
My total bill came to $70 even and I have enough bread and other food to last well in to July. Now I have to get back to carving up my watermelon for lunch tomorrow. Luckily this one is sweet. It is so disappointing when they aren't.
I watched a show on PBS tonight about different sandwiches in the US. That French bread would make for a good Po Boy. I pretty much love bread. And most other starches too.
If I hadn't just stuffed myself with watermelon I would have eaten bread and butter for dinner. I love it when it's fresh. Then I love it again toasted. I agree with you, I love bread too.
Wow, I just got a loaf of french bread out of the freezer to thaw. How funny; I was craving bread today for some reason. Must be the new diet. :)
Big Sis, is there a new bread diet? Now that would be a great diet.
No, the diet is eating basically nothing all day and then CRAVING bread because toast with butter and cherry preserves is suddenly so wonderful. And BTW, it is.
I could go on fresh bread and butter for weeks.
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